NEW! This clinic is now OPEN TO MONTGOMERY COUNTY RESIDENTS. (Previously, it was for Norristown and Pottstown residents.)
The Community Justice Project (CJP), Legal Aid of Southeastern PA (LASP), and Pennsylvania Utility Law Project (PULP) invite you to attend a free Virtual Legal Aid Clinic. Qualifying individuals can sign up for an appointment and talk one-on-one with an attorney to receive free legal help. Legal problems that may be able to be addressed include:
Custody and family
Utilities (gas, electric, water)
Expungements and pardons
Landlord-Tenant and housing
Other legal issues
Please register in advance by calling Gio Brackbill at 717- 236-9486, ext. 219.
Clínica Virtual de Asistencia Legal para clientes en Condado de Montgomery
En nombre del Community Justice Project (CJP), Legal Aid of Southeastern PA (LASP), y el Pennsylvania Utility Law Project (PULP), le invitamos a asistir a nuestra clínica virtual de asistencia legal el martes, 2 de agosto de 2022 de 2:00 a 5:00 p.m. Este evento brindará una oportunidad para que las personas que califiquen se inscriban para una cita y hablen cara a cara con un abogado para recibir ayuda legal gratuita.
Custodia y Derecho de Familia
Servicios Públicos (Gas, Electricidad, Agua)
Derecho Laboral
Eliminación de Antecedentes Penales
Propietarios e Inquilinos y Vivienda
Otros Asuntos Legales
Los participantes interesados pueden inscribirse contactando a Gio Brackbill al (717) 236-9486, Ext. 219.