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Free Virtual Expungement Clinic

Free Virtual Expungement Clinic

  • Thursday, Oct. 29 at 6 p.m. via Zoom

  • Presenters: Erica Briant, Community Engagement Supervising Attorney, Daniel Cortes, Community Engagement Staff Attorney, and Megan Reinprecht, Community Engagement Staff Attorney

  • Register now: You will receive a Zoom link to the event after you register.

  • Partner: PA Rep. Leanne Krueger

  • Questions? Call 610-534-6880 or email

  • LASP attorneys will provide information about criminal record expungement options and resources. There will be an opportunity to meet individually with an attorney online.

  • Event end time is flexible. All attendees who wish to meet virtually with an attorney, in a Zoom breakout room, will have the opportunity to do so.