BRISTOL - A free ID clinic will be held Thursday, Oct. 28, 2021 from 11:30 a.m.-3:30 p.m. at Bristol Township Senior Center, 2501 Bath Road, Bristol, PA 19007. The clinic is open to the public.
We can help you get these ID documents:
Birth certificate, Social Security card, State ID, driver's license
What to expect:
Just walk in. No appointment needed.
You will meet with an attorney or trained volunteer.
Questions? Call 215-781-1111 or email
If you have SOME documents, please bring them:
(Bring any of these documents that you have available. They can make the process faster.)
2 recent pieces of mail addressed to you (utility bills, pay stubs, bank statements)
Lease agreement, tax return, vehicle registration, etc.
School or college photo ID, military ID, employee ID, work permit, firearms permit, prisoner ID with release papers
Birth certificate, Social Security card, State ID, driver's license, U.S. or non-U.S. Passport
Citizenship, naturalization papers
Legal Aid of Southeastern PA, Penn Community Bank, and Bristol Township Senior Center are partners to present this free clinic.